- Centimetre-level precision
- No beacons or additional infrastructure required
- Significantly lower battery usage
D-Tail is designed to be embedded into our Supercorrelation™ technology for use cases that require human motion modelling, such as for smartphones and smartwatches
It can detect and report movements at the centimetre level for smartphones and wearables indoors and outdoors, without requiring any additional infrastructure such as beacons and wifi.
Comparison of D-Tail vs Android Fused Location recorded during the Cambridge Half Marathon 2020
D-Tail enables today's smartphones and wearables to achieve centimetre-level precision that in turn enables next generation products and services - from ubiquitous indoor wayfinding to high performance sports trackers and last-metre delivery.
It operates at 200 times the measurement rate of GPS, using GNSS, sensor fusion and machine learning to provide an exact and detailed trace of a user's motion across four dimensions - enabling real time measurement of motion, trajectory and gait
It substantially surpasses the levels of detail and accuracy provided by simple dead-reckoning and WiFi fingerprinting.
Comparison of indoor positioning in a shopping centre, showing location determined by Android running on a Google Pixel phone vs FocalPoint's D-Tail technology using the same inputs